The Best Attitude Wins

I love this quote:

Ever since I was a little girl, I can always remember my dad telling me to be happy with whatever I had and to appreciate it. He would remind me to always look at the positive side of things, instead of dwelling on the negative. Focus on what you do have instead of what you don’t. Probably why I grew up with the “glass half full” way of looking at things.

Now that I’ve got my own kids who are growing up faster than I can believe, we try and I still this thought into them as well. Of course, they’ve got the typical peer pressures that most teens have. I remember those days all too well! But when I saw this quote in my inbox this morning, I realized that they absolutely make the best out of things in their daily goings on. My oldest is thinking about colleges now, and she’s not all worked up about getting into a specific school. She is more laid back than most her age at this point, knowing that she WILL get accepted someplace and will be happy with her decision. My middle realizes that when she is in the middle of a game that if she bumbles a ball, another one is coming. So she doesn’t fall apart. And my youngest sets the example for his teammates by not letting the score define them. Win or lose, both teams get the same thing. They still have the next game and homework, so don’t sweat it.

I love a good quote. And this one made me happy realizing that I am content with my life. I don’t strive to be like others. I am happy with what I have and am not jealous of others. Especially in the social media realm of over sharing and promoting/showing off whatever one has, it’s the “mindset” that will make you happy, not the “stuff.” I just wish more people would realize that.


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