Glimmerbug Handmade Art

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The #100DayProject Continues

As the #100DayProject continues, I am enjoying my time creating these little cards. Each time I sit down to work on my cards, I am excited to just see what comes out. Some days I’m feeling watercolors, others I’m into pencils. It’s really just what I have on my desk at the moment. But what I love about doing this project is that I haven’t straddled myself with rules or expectations. Just enjoyment. And that’s the best part!

Here are some snippets of my days 38-45. I especially love the colored monster… he’s adorable. When my kids were little, we would draw out similar faces and then swap with each other to add facial features, arms, legs, etc. Then the final person got to color it in. They always loved doing this creative activity. Hey, it’s a snow day today… maybe I can talk them into doing this with me later on!