Glimmerbug Handmade Art

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22 Years Missing This Voice

Back about a hundred years ago, when I was in college, my best friend introduced me to this band. And needless to say, I became completely obsessed with the lead singer, Layne Staley. I just adored him. But not his drug and addiction issues. Sadly, he’d end up losing his battle with addiction on April 5, 2002. I’ll never forget the day I found out. I was in Alabama and a friend called me to tell me. Such sadness for a life cut short too soon at only 34 years old.

This is my favorite, favorite song of all time. And this was one of the last performances you’d see him in. To see such a ghost of his former self but still with the same vocal sound is pretty crushing. My kids refer to April 5th as “Layne’s Death Day.” And they see the photos of what he once was to what he ended up like and it makes them realize how turning to drugs leads to some pretty serious and sad aftereffects. Guess that’s a life lesson for them that is important to learn.

He still does make my heart skip a beat when I hear him sing this song.